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146 years of design and counting.

Learn marketable skills. Use professional design tools that are used everywhere.

Be seen. The only daily newspaper in Cambridge and 15M online hits each year from around the world.

Join a design community. Learn from and work with a diverse group of artists and designers.

About the Comp

We have three comp tracks: Illustration, Print Design, and Web Design.

Find the Fall 2019 comp syllabi here.

The Design comp is all about learning by doing. Whether you've had any previous design experience or not, you'll learn everything you need to know during the comp process. All comp tracks, which last one semester, are structured around weekly design seminars where you will be exposed to design theory and gain hands-on experience through projects. Each track also includes a mid and final comp project. If you successfully complete all of the comp requirements, you will be elected as a designer to The Harvard Crimson.

If you have any questions about the comp process, feel free to reach out to our comp directors:

Click here to learn more about comping The Harvard Crimson and to sign up for comp updates.